Drug and Alcohol Information
- Smoothing the Transition
- Things to Do Before Sending Your Child Off to UW-Whitewater
- Drug and Alcohol Information
- What Our Students Say About UHCS
- Appointments
- Emotional Well-being Resources
- Wellness Information A-Z
- Communicable Disease Resources
- Internships and Involvement
- Health Service Fees
- Health Insurance
- Notice of Privacy Practices
- Patient Rights
- Rock County Students
- LGBT Wellness
- Breastfeeding/Lactation Room
- P.A.T.H
- Speaker Services
- Students of Color
- Worksite Wellness
- Sexual Assault Prevention Training
- Wellness Campaigns
Alcohol and Other Drug Use
Student use of alcohol and other drugs is considered to be one of the most serious health and safety threats on college campuses today. Parents can help by communicating on a regular basis about how, when and why their students use alcohol and/or other drugs. At UW-W we are most concerned about preventing the negative consequences of high risk use - those consequences include legal and financial difficulties, increased personal stress, poor academic performance, sexual assault, injury and death. It is important that students understand that parental advice to "be careful" means more than "don't drink and drive". It also means, "don't drink too much or too fast" and "utilize your campus resources if you or a friend seems to need advice on how to manage alcohol or drug use problems." The links below offer some positive suggestions on how parents can choose to make a difference:
- Parents You're Not Done Yet
- Discuss the Risks
- Parents of a College Freshman - Staying Involved
- A Snapshot of Annual High-Risk College Drinking Consequences
All information on this website is written by UHCS professional staff unless otherwise noted. No data is collected on visitors to this site. Financial Support for this web site is provided by University Health & Counseling Service, Division of Student Affairs, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. This web site does not accept advertising.
This site is not meant to replace the advice of a health care or counseling professional. You should not rely on any information on these pages, or information generated for you by this site, to replace consultations with qualified professionals regarding your own specific situation. Some links take you to a source outside of UHCS. The owners of that site, not UHCS, are responsible for the content.