University Health and Counseling Services
Ambrose Center

Drug and Alcohol Information


Alcohol and Other Drug Use

Student use of alcohol and other drugs is considered to be one of the most serious health and safety threats on college campuses today. Parents can help by communicating on a regular basis about how, when and why their students use alcohol and/or other drugs. At UW-W we are most concerned about preventing the negative consequences of high risk use - those consequences include legal and financial difficulties, increased personal stress, poor academic performance, sexual assault, injury and death. It is important that students understand that parental advice to "be careful" means more than "don't drink and drive". It also means, "don't drink too much or too fast" and "utilize your campus resources if you or a friend seems to need advice on how to manage alcohol or drug use problems." The links below offer some positive suggestions on how parents can choose to make a difference:


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