Future Projects
Winther Hall Renovation & Winther/Heide Addition

This project constructs a 12,000GSF addition onto Winther Hall & Heide Hall to improve vertical circulation and provide ADA accessible restrooms on every floor. The project will also include a complete renovation of Winther to update mechanicals, infrastructure, and programmatic spaces.
Additional Projects in Planning and Design
2021-27 UW System Capital Plan
2023-29 Capital Project Planning-UW System Submittal
Roof Replacement Projects: University Center and Moraine
Schwager Dr Reconstruction
Upham Hall Loading Dock Repairs
Roseman Roof and Window Replacement
Fischer and Goodhue Roof Replacement
Long Range Plan
2021-2027 Campus Physical Development Plan (This report is a required submittal for the UW- System’s capital budget planning process. It is currently in development for the 2021-2023 biennium. A link will be provided when the document is complete.)