James R. Connor University Center

University Center Directory

University Center

Name Title Office Phone Email
Angela Meldonian
Executive Director of University Center and Engagement UC 252 (262) 472-1656 meldonia@uww.edu
Jan Bilgen Director of Student Activities & Involvement UC 146* (262) 472-1079 bilgenj@uww.edu
Kim Clarksen Assistant Director of Student Activities & Involvement UC 146* (262) 472-1112 clarksek@uww.edu

Ben Smith

Director of Operations UC 253A (262) 472-1750 smithbj@uww.edu

Assistant Director of Operations
Fabio Rodrigues Assistant Director of Business & Dining Services UC 250B (262) 472-5718 oliveirf@uww.edu
Jenny Fisco Assistant Director of Marketing & Creative Strategies UC 244B (262) 472-1239 fiscoj@uww.edu 
Olivia Allen Involvement Manager UC 146* (262) 472-2633 brellentOR30@uww.edu
Kim Krebs HawkCard Administrative Assistant UC 250 (262) 472-1757 krebsk@uww.edu
Caleb Bols Building Operations Manager UC 253B (262) 472-1176 bolsc@uww.edu
Kyle Clancy Reservations & Events Manager UC 253D (262) 472-5801 ClancyKR13@uww.edu
Russell Brown UC Facilities Technician II UC 80 (262) 472-4939 brownrl@uww.edu
Jenny Clauer UC Facility Services Supervisor UC 80 (262) 472-1185 clauerj@uww.edu
Josh Crawford UC Business and Dining Services System Administrator UC 250A (262) 472-5749 CrawfordJD13@uww.edu
Vacant UC Graphics & Marketing Coordinator
Yadira Foulker Program Specialist - Intersectional & Greek Programs UC 146* (262) 472-7168 foulkery@uww.edu
Jacob Foulker Greek Life & Community Outreach Manager UC 146* (262) 472-1520 FoulkerJA10@uww.edu
Elizabeth Garthwaite Program Specialist for Events UC 146* (262) 472-5820 garthwae@uww.edu
Sue Havlovick Involvement Financial Specialist UC 146* (262) 472-1986 havlovis@uww.edu
Tonia Kapitan UC Services Manager UC 159 (262) 472-1171 kapitant@uww.edu
DeYounté Ramsey Program Specialist-Enrichment UC 146* (262) 472-1606 ramseyDL21@uww.edu
CynDee Sentieri UC Administrative & Financial Specialist UC 250 (262) 472-1177 sentierc@uww.edu
JoEllen Shelton UC Financial Specialist UC 146* (262) 472-1511 sheltonj@uww.edu
Leann Sullivan Warhawk Alley Coordinator UC 49 (262) 472-5681 warhawkalley@uww.edu

* Please go to the Student Activities & Involvement front desk for appointments or meetings