College of Business and Economics

The Institute for Nonprofit Management Studies

Developing students. Strengthening communities.

In preparing our students to contribute meaningfully to society, the UW-Whitewater Institute for Nonprofit Management Studies provides a forum for the promotion of nonprofit management studies at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater and within the larger community.

INPMS aim is to encourage research, expand educational opportunities, and grow technical assistance capacity to support the nonprofit sector in the region. The Institute focuses on relevant research, energized education, and community co-production to strengthen Wisconsin communities.

Who we are | Non Profit

Who We Are

Program | Non Profit




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Our faculty research publications promote the Wisconsin Idea by addressing issues in nonprofit and social practice to improve society. We publish articles for scholarly audiences, book chapters for students and professionals, and articles and reports for professionals and the general public. A comprehensive list of faculty publications.  Where material is freely available, we have included links. If you would like a copy of a piece that is not freely available, email us at with your request.

Researchers have released a nationwide picture of COVID impacts. A total of 68 state level reports from 43 states covering over 21,000 nonprofit organizations have been compiled to provide a national level synthesis of COVID's impact on the nonprofit sector. The written report and a shared table summarizing the state reports is available at this link: States of COVID-19: Synthesis of State-level Nonprofit Reports on the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Helen Bader Institute (HBI), in collaboration with the Institute for Nonprofit Management Studies (INMS), conducted a series of surveys to assess the state of Wisconsin nonprofits after the onset of the coronavirus. Report One is available: The COVID-19 Effect on Wisconsin's Nonprofit Sector.


Questions or Comments?

If you have questions/comments about the UW-Whitewater Nonprofit Management program or about the Institute for Nonprofit Management Studies and the services we provide, please use this contact form.

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