Complete the qualtrics survey to reserve your recording time.
The College of Business and Economics is fortunate to have a number of recording spaces onsite, including a state-of-the-art media studio, available to faculty and staff to aid and support production of media content for both online and traditional courses.
Faculty and staff resources including; Course Evaluations, Faculty Activity Documents, Faculty Research, Hybrid Teaching, Online Teaching, Faculty Handbook, and New Faculty Resource Guide are available on the shared network drive. Navigate to T:/COBE FOLDER/Website F&S. Please note that if you are not on campus, you will need to log in through the VPN to access this folder.
Visit us in Hyland Hall in room 3001, contact us by phone at (262)-472-4981 or email us at
CoBE Media Reservations
Want to receive our notification list of open times? Provide your email address and we will add you to our list.
Enroll in our canva courses and complete this required training.
Enroll in our canva courses and complete this required training.