Journeyman upgrade training in Bioenvironmental Engineering earns you college credit towards a Bachelors Degree in Occupational Safety. Earn a total of 21 college credits while only paying for 3 college credits. Here is how:
- Apply online to University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. Make sure to include your Air University transcript that shows your Bioenvironmental Engineering Career Field upgrade training.
- Once you are admitted to University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, you will be awarded transfer credits based off of your Air University transcript. You will be awarded 9 credits of SAFETY 999 and 1 credit to fulfill the PEGNRL 192 (Personal Health and Fitness for Life) campus requirement.
- Contact Donna Vosburgh, Chair of the Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health Department at 262-472-1252 or She will help you to determine the best time for you to enroll in the Credit for Prior Learning program. The Credit for Prior Learning Program will allow you to use your Bioenvironmental Engineering training and experience for college credit. Every Airman or Veteran that has completed the Journeyman upgrade training for Bioenvironmental Engineering has the opportunity to enroll in Credit for Prior Learning and earn 8 credits towards the degree while only paying for 3 general credits.
- Have an online meeting with your academic advisor to create a course plan and register for classes.
- Begin the journey towards a Bachelor’s Degree!!
An additional 102-108 additional credits will be required to complete the Occupational Safety Degree (depending on which courses a student chooses for general education and unique degree requirements.) Professional academic advisors are provided for Occupational Safety students by the College of Business and Economics.