Online Learning

Welcome! This is an online course offered at UW-Whitewater. All course material and activities will take place online. Please read through the following general information regarding online courses then proceed to the Course Information Module. 

Every effort is made to answer your message within one business day of receipt. Please understand that response turn-around time is dependent on the complexity of the problem, investigation, problem solving, and communication that may occur to resolve the issue.

In order to help us resolve your issue as quickly as possible, please provide us with the following:

  • Instructor Name
  • Course Name
  • Section number

The College of Business and Economics (CoBE) Technology Center

  • Call (262) 472-4981 or toll-free at 1-866-472-4982
  • Or email us at:
  • Office Hours:  Monday - Friday 8-4 CST

Office is closed for the following University recognized Holidays:

  • New Year's Day - January 1
  • Martin Luther King Day - 3rd Monday in January
  • Memorial Day - Last Monday in May
  • Independence Day - July 4
  • Labor Day - 1st Monday in September
  • Thanksgiving Day - 4th Thursday in November
  • Christmas Eve Day - December 24
  • Christmas Day - December 25
  • New Year's Eve Day - December 31

DIY Troubleshooting

Additional resources

Campus Computer Labs

Instructional Technology Services (ITS) operates two General Access Computing Labs for use by students at UW-Whitewater. Located in Andersen 1008 and McGraw 19, the two labs have approximately 325 computers. These machines, running under Windows and Macintosh operating systems, offer access to general purpose, as well as discipline specific software.

Technical skills 

Student should be able to use the following in order to successfully navigate and complete all required activities for this course:

  • University e-mail account
  • Library resources
  • WINS
  • Microsoft Word-compatible word processing program
  • Microsoft Excel-compatible spreadsheet program
  • Download and install programs from the Internet
  • View online streaming videos

All UW-Whitewater students, instructors, and staff have access to LinkedIn Learning, which offers the latest academic, creative, business, and wellness skills through high-quality online instructional videos featuring recognized industry experts. Go to LinkedIn Learning and log in with your UWW Net-ID and password.

Explore a wide range of subjects from Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Cloud Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Etc) photography, 3D animation, music, and video to graphic design, project management, web development, and other specific software programs. New courses are added every week.

Computer specifications

Review the basic computer specifications for Canvas

Wondering Where to Live, What to Eat, How to Get Involved, Career Resources.... please check out:

Academic Advisors are also here to help students succeed, but advising is most effective when it is viewed as an on-going process in which students and advisors work as partners. Ultimately, students have the responsibility for their own educational plans and for monitoring all requirements for graduation, but they are encouraged to take advantage of the many resources available on campus - including the various advising services.  If you are having questions or concerns about what you need to do to reach your educational goals, please consult the advising web site for the College of Business:  

The Andersen Library provides a number of resources and services to support your academic career here at UW-Whitewater. In addition to the print materials available in the library, you can access online databases at any time from any place. Furthermore, there are librarians that can assist you with your research needs. Whether you're searching for scholarly journal articles or putting together a marketing plan, make sure to check with the Library first!

Enrolled in the Online MBA/BBA Program?

Make sure to take a look at all the resources available to you as an online student:

The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater is dedicated to a safe, supportive and non-discriminatory learning environment. It is the responsibility of all undergraduate and graduate students to familiarize themselves with University policies regarding Academic Accommodations and Services.

For details, visit: UW-Whitewater Student Handbook.

Center for Students with DisabilitiesStudents in need of disability-related accommodations at UW-Whitewater should schedule an appointment to meet with a staff member at the Center for Students with Disabilities

In order to receive reasonable accommodations students must be registered with the Center for Students with Disabilities.  If you need audio materials in closed caption format you should contact your instructor and the Center for Students with Disabilities a minimum of eight weeks prior to the start of class.  


Review information on accessibility in Canvas.

UW-Whitewater faculty, staff, and students acknowledge that the highest priority of this institution is an ongoing commitment to continuous enhancement of each others' intellectual and personal development. This includes dedication to an open and honest exchange of ideas; immersion in the learning experience every day; acceptance of the highest standards of personal integrity; and openness to new opportunities that will expand individual horizons.

Network Use Policies

Please read the UW-Whitewater Network Use Policies

Academic Misconduct

The University believes that academic honesty and integrity are fundamental to the mission of higher education and of the University of Wisconsin System. The University has a responsibility to promote academic honesty and integrity and to develop procedures to deal effectively with instances of academic dishonest Students are responsible for the honest completion and representation of their work, for the appropriate citation of sources, and for respect of others' academic endeavors. Students who violate these standards are subject to disciplinary action. UWS Chapter 14 identifies procedures to be followed when a student is accused of academic misconduct. For additional information, please refer to the section in the Student Handbook titled, Student Academic Disciplinary Procedures

Religious Beliefs Accommodation

It is the policy of the Board of Regents that students' sincerely held religious beliefs shall be reasonably accommodated with respect to scheduling all examinations and other academic requirements.1) Students shall be permitted to make up an examination or other academic requirement at another time or by an alternative method, without any prejudicial effect, where:a) There is a scheduling conflict between the students' sincerely held religious beliefs and taking the examination or meeting the academic requirements; and,

1) The students have notified the instructor, within the first three weeks of the beginning of classes (within the first week of Summer session and short courses), of the specific days or dates on which they will request relief from an examination or academic requirement.
2) Instructors may schedule a make-up examination or other academic requirement before or after the regularly scheduled examination or other academic requirement.
3) Instructors shall accept, at face value, the sincerity of students' religious beliefs.
4) Student notification of instructors and requests for relief shall be kept confidential.
5) Complaints of failure to provide reasonable accommodation of students' sincerely held religious beliefs as required by this rule may be filed under institutional complaint and grievance procedures adopted pursuant to Chapters UWS 6 and 13.

For additional information or to file a grievance regarding a failure to provide reasonable accommodation, please contact the Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity Compliance (Hyer Hall, Room 330, Phone (262) 472-1072).

Turnitin Originality Check is a web-based system that allows student papers to be submitted and checked for plagiarism. It compares student papers with sources available on the Internet, select commercial article databases, and papers submitted at UW-Whitewater and other institutions that use Originality Check. After submitting, an Originality Report is generated for each paper, and the report identifies the matches that the system made, which can then be investigated. This system can help to eliminate the abuse of the Internet as a research tool and may minimize its potentially negative impact on the development of quality reading, writing, and research skills.

Instructors can set up, view, and interpret Originality Checking Reports

Students can view and interpret their Originality Report

Privacy, Security, and Copyright
Turnitin respects your privacy and vigorously protects your personal data. We work hard to achieve extremely high levels of security through the use of appropriate technical and organizational measures which are described below. Turnitin complies with the relevant security standards of the US, EU, and Switzerland. The Privacy Policy below is reviewed regularly in line with changes in global legislation. For the purposes of this policy, ‘personal data’ shall have the meaning ascribed to it under the definition of ‘personal data’ under the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679)(GDPR). Turnitin complies with the security standards of the US, EU, and Switzerland.
View privacy policy>>

Core Values

  1. Commitment to the Pursuit of Knowledge and Understanding
  2. Development of the Individual
  3. Personal and Professional Integrity
  4. Commitment to Serve
  5. Commitment to Develop a Sense of Community, Respect for Diversity, and Global Perspective

Student Honor Code

UW-Whitewater's College of Business and Economics students are expected to subscribe to the College's Student Honor Code:

As members of the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater College of Business and Economics community, we commit ourselves to act ethically in all aspects of our academic lives. As students, we promise that our work demonstrates the highest integrity. We will not misrepresent our work, nor plagiarize, nor use unauthorized aid to gain a higher academic standing. As we participate in our academic setting, we commit to promoting diversity and professionalism in our classrooms. We encourage participation from all members of our community, showing respect for others' personal dignity, rights and freedoms. We will value the academic property that is Hyland Hall as well as the property of individuals throughout the UW-Whitewater campus. We choose to endorse this set of values, thereby accepting responsibility for acting by these principles.  Adopted by the Dean's Advisory Council Spring 2015.

Dream bigger. Think bolder. Start here.